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Old 06-27-2011, 12:25 PM   #13 (permalink)
Dr.Seussicide's Avatar
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He didn't even number the posts for Christ's sake. Fucking unorganized twat troll.

Oh, and btw, what the fuck is up with this reason?

Every country in the world allows cigarette smoking and it is commonplace amongst the young and the old.

Then comes America. America is supposed to be the land of the free and yet everywhere you look, the basic human right of smoking being taken away.

Smoking cigarettes and tobacco has been made out to be the leading cause in cancer which is a bold faced lie.

Countries in Asia have a far greater smoking rate and yet cancer rates are far less than in America.

Non-Smokers just don’t get it. They are in a smoker’s world and they have no right to give smokers dirty looks for lighting up outside a restaurant.

They can spray on 2 cans of their cheap cologne or Tag body spray and permeate the air with artificial chemicals but you can’t satisfy your urge to smoke?

This is Every Toddlers Right and it Should not be Denied
Then there are the people who are allergic to smoking. There are no allergens in cigarette smoke as well as less carcinogens than your average fast food beef paddy and yet America decides to punish non-smokers.

Yet another reason to hate non-smokers in America is their propensity to hang no-smoking signs. Not one or 2 but sometimes as many as 10 non smoking signs surround the average commercial building and it not only looks unsightly but undermines the intelligence of all smokers.

If smoking is so bad for you, why does 8 out of 10 physicians smoke? If it so bad for you why do 97% of NBA basketball players some of the finest athletes in the world smoke marijuana?

Non-Smokers are All Boring People
People who don’t smoke are often socially retarded. They cannot fit in with interesting people so they tend to become introverted into their groups of non-smoking nerds with no life outside of their job.

Non-smokers also have the habit of becoming disgustingly fat. People who smoke look better as well as function better in society. If you don’t smoke, don’t be a loser. Go buy an overpriced pack of American cigarettes and smoke away so you won’t be yet another one of 58 Reasons to Hate America.
And more importantly, this picture?

Obvious troll is obvious.
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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