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Old 07-15-2011, 06:10 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
As much as adults have responsibilities, so do individuals. I think the blame needs to fall on the individual themselves if they can't handle any form of media that is supposed to be used as entertainment and becomes easily influenced by it. It's the individual that it falls back onto. Most of the rappers that have material that is considered "negative" don't go around saying that they are role models and you should do everything that I say in my songs.
If you work in media and entertainment, you have to be aware how many eyes are one you, it's part of the business. Why bother with all the posturing if you're not trying to make yourself look good, and why try and look good if you don't want people to respect/praise/idolise you? Do you have any role models? Have they ever said "I am a role model"? It's not how people work. Yes, most intelligent people know not to do stupid things because someone they like raps about it, but there are many, many mind-bogglingly thick people in the world who won't think about it.

Fobbing off responsibility because the listeners should know better is not an excuse. **WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LITERALLY ON ANY OF THE SPECIFICS** If someone listens so say, 50 Cent, then decides he wants to go out and shoot someone, yes it's his responsibility, yes he should have realised that 50 Cent is not saying it is good to shoot people, no matter how his lyrics might imply it, but if the kid then kills someone else, because he listened to 50 Cent, is 50 Cent not partially responsible for the death? That's what influence is, and that is how it's dangerous.
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