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Old 07-15-2011, 06:28 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
NO, I don't think in that scenario that 50 cent would be partially responsible at all.

All of the responsibility lies squarely on the individual like I said earlier. This whole blame game about passing it off on other people needs to stop. Just like how they went on a witch hunt about how Marilyn Manson and playing violent video games made that kid shoot up some other students at school.

It's not a blame game! I'm not looking to string someone up for what someone else did, I think that the BLAME falls entirely on the individual, but the RESPONSIBILITY for the act can range beyond that. It is the Responsibility of a parent to try and ensure that their child doesn't grow up to be an arrogant, people hating partner-beating child abusing wanker, but I wouldn't try to have them jailed if they didn't try and their child went on to hospitalise someone. Do you see what I mean?

Every attempt is made on a regular basis to make sure that gamers know that anything they do in a game is fictional, that it is not to be repeated. Every attempt is also made to restrict the playing of potentially damaging games to those who are of an age to deal with it and understand the difference. Marilyn Manson, I'm not going to argue about. Personally I think his music is decent but there is an obsession with decadence there which suffers from the same sort of responsibilities.

As I said, I don't agree with going on a witch hunt and trying to blame someone else for the actions of an individual in a situation like this, but I do think that there is a responsibility of the artists to realise just how influential they are being. Sing, rap about whatever you like, but I would like to see them making an attempt to point out that when they called about shooting their enemies and drinking cough syrup for a hit, that it's probably not a good thing to be taking their words to heart. Is that too much to ask?
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