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Old 08-22-2005, 02:47 AM   #35 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Boo-boo I agree and disagree with you at the same time. Your list of characteristics describes some key and very common themes that have been found within the genre in the past, especially the late 60's/early70's, which is the era that is most commonly associated with peogressive rock, but esentially, progressive rock is just that: progressive, so its definition and subsequent criteria/characteristics are always evolving. The one defining characteristic that is constant is that progressive rock continue to push further outward the boundaries which define contemporary rock through imagination and innovation, and usually, a great deal of musical skill. Like I said your characterisitics are not wrong,. I just find them a bit restraining for a genre that is ever evolving and redifining itself.
that was just my take on it, though im not implying that prog bands have all those characteristics, those are just common ones...bands like pink floyd and jethro tull lack some of those characteristics, but they are still prog...prog has many different forms and what i posted was merely characteristics of some of them...there are more sub genres to prog than any other genre in rock...symphonic prog, progressive metal, space rock, krautrock...and then theres RIO, which really isnt a genre but merely a discription of bands who really dont fall under any genre...they may lack most of the characteristics i mentioned and still be prog...prog is a genre that has evolved like no other, and there are several prog bands who escape the conventions of prog(like those i mentioned)and still be prog...mars volta for example, a very promising band indeed.
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