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Old 07-17-2011, 10:50 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic View Post
For me, it seems like the whole delta blues/Robert Johnson influence began in the mid 60's with the likes of Clapton and the Stones adopting him as a major influence in their sound. The earliest influences of rock and roll and it's inception was with the likes of Louis Jordon.

I'm in no way denying the influence of Robert Johnson on rock and roll, but I'm pretty sure his influence was felt later on after rock and roll found it's feet.
His music and first popular album was recorded in 1961, but the originals were recorded in 1936 & 1937. Robert Johnson is ranked "fifth" in Rolling Stone's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. Johnson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as an "Early Influence" in their first induction ceremony in 1986. Jimi Hendrix, as well as other guitarist already mentioned, were also fans of Johnson's, if that counts for anything.
"To the uninitiated, Johnson's recordings may sound like just another dusty Delta blues musician wailing away. But a careful listen reveals that Johnson was a revisionist in his time . . Johnson's tortured soul vocals and anxiety-ridden guitar playing aren't found in the cotton-field blues of his contemporaries."

Louis Jordan's solo career began around 1938 if I'm correct. He was a pioneering American jazz, blues and rhythm & blues musician, songwriter and bandleader who enjoyed his greatest popularity from the late 1930s to the early 1950s. In 2004, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him "#59" on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Jordan was defiantly a major influence, but I don't really see his musical inception to Rock & Roll, as having any more of an impact than Robert Johnsons influence to Rock & Roll has had, and made.
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