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Old 07-18-2011, 12:03 AM   #16 (permalink)
Electrophonic Tonic
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I'll make this my last point as we're getting off topic (even if the topic hasn't been given much credence).

Jordan was defiantly a major influence, but I don't really see his musical inception to Rock & Roll, as having any more of an impact than Robert Johnsons influence to Rock & Roll has had, and made.
I see Louis Jordon as part of the invention of rock and roll. I see Robert Johnson is a part of the innovation of rock and roll. Those are two separate concepts and arguments for their influence on rock and roll.

Johnson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as an "Early Influence" in their first induction ceremony in 1986.
I'm not one for using the RNRHOF as a measuring stick, but I will since you did. Louis Jordon was the 2nd artist inducted as an early influence in 1987. So he obviously, has some clout to his influence. And if Robert Johnson's effect of rock and roll was felt 10 years after the birth of the style, how can you be an early influence?

Robert Johnson is ranked "fifth" in Rolling Stone's list of 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.
In 2004, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him "#59" on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
Not a big fan of Rolling Stone either, but in the article written for Louis Jordon by Ahmet Ertegun, he says "B.B. King, Chuck Berry and all of the other early rock & roll and R&B stars were influenced and inspired by Jordan."
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