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Old 08-24-2005, 12:44 PM   #30 (permalink)
Muck Fusic
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Originally Posted by adidasss
it's not good enough for me, there are and were plenty of horrid people in the world ( just to point out one of them, Pinochet in Chile, who actually came into power with the help and support of the U.S. secret services ), we've discussed kim jong il before, what about castro, what about civil rights being violated in Mianmar ( burma )? you can't possibly believe that the war in iraq was based on the benevolance of america and it's desire to help the iraqies, why not go in every country in which civil rights are being violated? i'll tell you why, because america doesn't have strategic interests in all of them.....
If we went into Cuba it would get the whole communism deal going again, which is not good. America has been playing the wait game there just waiting for Castro to pass away. America won't go into North Korea because of China. America has had past conflicts with Iraq, and the refusal of Hussein to let weapons inspectors into many areas just boiled over.

And honestly, I'm not sure if it being "good enough" for you has any effect on anything that happens.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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