Music Banter - View Single Post - Should People Posting Nothing But Youtube Videos Be Treated As Spammers ?
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Old 08-23-2011, 12:33 AM   #82 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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- No, there isn't a limit for Youtube videos. The image limit is 10.

- No, I don't think a random youtube video explaining the technical definition of spam should be a baseline for how we operate our forum. Ultimately, the word is just a word. We're talking about overall forum quality, whether it be focused on videos, or simple posts. We have a long-established rule about posting one-word posts and the like, and I really don't see the difference between that and simply posting a video. But I do understand that there are plenty reasons and opportunities to do just that, and I'm not opposed to it. The point I'm trying to make is that moderators are the ones who can, and should, determine whether someone is here to be a part of the community, or simply fill the forums with posts that have no effort behind them. We already have that covered.

Don't connect that to Love-song. I already explained that I used Love-song as a reference to what most of us know about. I'm not making a case against her specifically, but the behavior that many of us have witnessed. The fact that more people know about that behavior than the stuff you had to go and search for to prove her case speaks volumes. This discussion is not about tallied evidence. It is about a general concept.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not opposed to someone posting one-word posts or a vid and nothing more, if it's not a serial thing. But if it becomes a standard of contribution on this forum, that's where I have an issue. Being that the distinction is for mods to make, I really don't see why this needs to be discussed or voted on.

We have done well enough in the past with no complaints about this particular thing. It's not like some grave injustice is about to be served that you need to defend against.
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