Music Banter - View Single Post - Should People Posting Nothing But Youtube Videos Be Treated As Spammers ?
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Old 08-23-2011, 06:39 AM   #85 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I don't like posting of youtube videos or images without text describing in some way the content. One of the reasons I consider it spammy is because videos and images are not permanent and don't always work. If a youtube video is blocked in my country and that's all a post has to offer, that post is to me, for all practical purposes, worthless spam.

The video might not be blocked. Perhaps it gets removed after a while. It certainly happens to pictures a lot and when going back to a thread after a year or two, many such posts will be completely worthless. I like the idea of a post having some worth even if it's years down the line, so yeah - I generally consider posts with only youtube vids or pictures to be spam.
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