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Old 08-23-2011, 09:22 AM   #142 (permalink)
Let it drip
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My thoughts on this glorious album:

1) What are this albums' strengths?

I think it's primary strength is the way walls of noise are manipulated to fashion hooks and progressions that intertwine seamlessly with the beats and rhymes. Oktopus and Still carefully sculpt textured soundscapes, and masterfully meld everything together to create this heaving, twisting sonic assault.

I also love it for the fact it diverges away from formulaic convention so extremely, it makes the listening experience a lot more interesting.

2) What are its weaknessess?

I don't believe it has one, but others may say there is not enough diversity on the album, it's too intense for too long. Of course, I don't agree with this.

3) How does it compare to the artist's other work?

Gutter Tactics follows a similar blueprint but, although it's a great album in it's own right, just falls short of Absence. Abandoned Language is a lot less abrasive, which allows MC Dalek to come to the fore. A very good album, but again, not quite up to Absence standard. The one album Dalek have made (that I've heard) which I'd say is on par with Absence is their collaboration with Faust.

4) Favourite songs?

'Ever Somber' is incredible with its MBV-influenced, warped chord-progressions and anti-capitalist diatribe. Culture For Dollars, Eyes to Form Shadows and A Beast Caged are other highlights.

5) What feelings did this album evoke?

For me personally, listening to Absence is a process of disconnection. If I want to escape the world for an hour, I'll put this on and submit to the walls of bending noise melting my brain.

6) How does this album fit into your regular rotation?

It's a staple of my music collection, and consequently one of my most played. In terms of Hip Hop, of which I'm a big fan, I'd say the only albums that receive a similar air time are Liquid Swords and Funcrusher Plus.

7) What stood out to you about this album's themes, musically/lyrically?

Well, the lyrics are a study of the human condition, in particular the effects power has on both an individual and mass level. Anger drives the album, and it's a theme that's carried by the music itself.

8) If you've had any noteworthy experiences with this album, what have they been?

I've had various, monumentally good weed experiences with Absence, and I once put Ever Somber on in the car as me and some friends were driving through the French Pyrenees at night, it was strangely amazing.

Last edited by Sneer; 08-23-2011 at 09:30 AM.
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