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Old 09-24-2011, 04:36 AM   #66 (permalink)
why bother?
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It's a beautiful day, I'm soon to go on a 15-mile cycle ride to make something like the most of it, but for now I thought I'd actually try talking about something other than a film I've seen lately or a new album I've just got (just like the old days!). Whether or not anyone's reading this or actually gives a fuck is, of course, secondary!

So then, what's been on my mind lately...

Artist: The Beautiful South
Tuneage: A Little Time

Not that this has been on my mind for any good reason, in case you were wondering. I just think it's neat.

Basically, it's like this; I've been scrubbing floors, cleaning ovens, washing dishes and generally being an entire kitchen's-worth of people's bitch for most of the summer, and as such my time for really sticking my neck out and looking for interesting new sounds was quite severely cut down. I'm between jobs now, so things have been different this last 2 or 3 weeks, but still...

Point is though that I've basically been relying on the old favourites to supply me with my musical diet lately...with the exception of the Beautiful South here. As if by sheer coincidence, it was something like the week that I got my summer job that I started getting into these guys, before I found out that my boss-to-be was a massive fan himself. Two things;

a) he was a cunt of the first degree
b) that said, I couldn't quite agree with him on the matter anyway, regardless of his cuntishness

The thing with the Beautiful South for me is that they're one of many pop artists that suffer from having singles that are far better than most of their albums, the exceptions to this rule being Blue Is the Colour.

What you can't take away from them though in any case is the fact that they had a real knack for lyrics, as I'm sure this juicy little slice of tuneage will testify, this being probably one of my favourite breakup songs ever. Not only is it a perfectly decent little song musically speaking, ticking that 'yeah, I can listen to this' box, but performing this as a duet was a stroke of genius. It's like a divorce in the medium of song and dance - t'riffic, even.

Anyway, that's all I've really got to say now. Got things to do - t'ra!
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