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Old 09-24-2011, 08:21 AM   #642 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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I`ve never done one of these before, so here you all are in alphabetical order:

Bastard of Young- This guy`s knowledge of extreme metal is one of the most impressive I`ve come across and the amount of recommendations he`s put my way is incredible. Not only does he know his stuff but speaks about it objectively unlike some. There are a lot of metal genres he`s not familiar with though, but in what he knows he`s second to none.

Batlord- Probably the guy on here whose taste in metal is practically the same as mine, he usually likes exactly the same metal albums as me and like myself has a real passion about these albums, I know whatever he recommends I`m gonna love and has probably recommended the best stuff on Metal Wars.

Jackhammer- Is kind of like the Ozzy of MB with his godfather of metal îmage. This is somebody who grew up a metal-head and has heard of or seen most metal acts out there, its a pity he doesn`t post more often with his immense knowledge on metal, but I guess he`s been on this forum too long now. By the way, like me he seems a nut for low budget horror flicks

Il Duce-Probably the most intresting member on here whose musical knowledge is one of the widest I`ve ever come across, I liken him to a music cannibal and will eat anything thrown in his direction. He seems to have got all his music knowledge from music compilations of bands and probably bought these on pirate tapes before the days of downloading. There are not too many people around who can listen to Kiss, Linkin Park, Celtic Frost and Burzum and then speak about all of them with the same conviction and pride.

Jack Pat- Know Jack mostly from Album Wars, but he listens to a lot of music that I was listening to about a decade ago which is obscure and experimental 60s stuff and he`s quite the connoissseur on the subject.

Electrophonic Tonic- Like Jack Pat recommends a lot of stuff on Album Wars and I don`t know too much about him but his music intrests and knowledge always come across as pretty sound.

Janszoon- Probably the friendliest mod on here and seems to have a wide range of music interests but most of it seems to be from the 1990s onwards. I`d love to play against him in a game of music trivia from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s as I whack his arse for sure.

Loathsome Pete- Pops into the metal forum now and again and seems to have a pretty wide interest in music genres of which metal is just one.

Metal Connoisseur- Fairly new to the forum and has a real knowledge of current metal, but what`s his metal history like?

Necromancer- The nearest I have on here to a musical brother and his root music interests are practically the same as mine and thats 1970s melodic soft and hard rock etc. This is somebody I can talk AOR with and has real passion about the bands he loves. I`m guessing from his music tastes he`s around the same age as me.

Soundgarden Rocks- Seems to have disappeared of late, but this guys desire to widen his musical knowledge and explore classic rock is a big feather in his cap.

Urban Hatemonger- I`ve never had that much contact with MB`s very own Robocop and he usually listens to a lot of music that I wouldn`t listen to and I`m guessing vice-versa. But I find beneath his gruff image that there`s a goldmine of musical knowledge just waiting to be tapped.

Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 09-24-2011 at 08:26 AM.
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