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Old 09-24-2011, 11:13 PM   #26 (permalink)
Electrophonic Tonic
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: The Twilight Zone
Posts: 876

$50 million? I'll just assume that's after taxes so I can go crazzzzzzzzy

-$15 million set aside for myself as an emergency fund. First thing I do.

-Get my parents where they want to be, and have them set for the rest of their life. Who knows how much but I'll say $3 million

-$1-2 million on a borderline mansion size home in a rural area, but not in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Northern California/Oregon

-$500,000 total on assorted Tom Foolery inside and outside the house

-Not too sure on the price, but enough alt energy to live off the grid and sell back. I'll assume $500,000 on the high side.

-Two vehicles... something fun and something practical. I'll say $150,000 total.

-$20 for all new socks that are all the same so I never have to match them ever again

-A college education for myself, Phd's in Geology and Paleontology from the finest universities, $200,000

-A vacation every other year of my life after college say $10,000 per trip, and 20-25 trips, so $250,000

-A large plot of land somewhere in fossil rich Canada, where patrons pay an entree fee and keep any fossils they find. I'll assume $2 million to finance the initial opening. After that, all I want is to break even every year. I won $50 million, like I need more?!

-College tuition for my chillin', I say $200,000

-An sorted amount over the course of my life to charities, schools and libraries.

-None of my chillin would receive more than $3 million after my death

So, I think I've used about $30 million, leaving me with another $20 million to use for whatever I need or want.

I'm happy.
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