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Old 10-19-2011, 07:55 PM   #11 (permalink)
Aryan Wonder
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Indiana
Posts: 445

Originally Posted by BastardofYoung View Post
lol @ Slipknot showing "tremendous growth" they were always just a gimmick band.

As for Death Metal or Black Metal. Yeah, lyrics can be liek that, but it is all just part of the act. I do not think it is serious. That is the difference to me. Nu-Metal took itself totally serious. Death Metal and Black Metal... no so much. In those styles the music comes before the lyrics.. relatablity is not the same, as it is just themes. All genres have this.

But beyond that, both those styles take a great deal more talent to make. Not one Nu-Metal drummer can match a great Death Metal drummer. If Joey Jordison is the epitome of drummers in the style, I am not impressed. Incredibly average drummer, I view him the same as the kids who think Travis Barker is a good drummer in punk. Not in the slightest.

Nu-Metal is no more than just modern day emo masquerading as Metal. Always funny when I hear nu-metal fans put it down. Slipknot without distortion and screaming vocals would not be any different than any modern emo band.
I don't know how you could make the assumption that Nu Metal bands took themselves seriously...I just have no idea how you could know that. Not that it matters, and I'm not sure why you brought it up. Even if they did take themselves seriously, at least they have some degree of passion. The end product is the only thing that matters, and while most of it totally blows, there are some good acts.

If you don't like Slipknot because they are "gimmicky", I'm not sure how you could stand death metal and black metal. Those genres are gimmicks in their entirety. I'm not saying that this is bad thing. I like those genres myself. But your argument doesn't hold up there. You said it yourself " is all just part of the act. I do not think it is serious." You are right. It probably isn't. This is the problem I have with the elitists of these genres. Death metal is about being brutal for the sake of being brutal. The lyrics merely reflect this. (except for Opeth and Gojira and other progressive bands)

The talent issue I can understand in most cases. But you must understand that the style of nu metal (one which you don't like, which is fine) isn't made for technical playing. Not to say that it is impossible, but the syncopated beats and hip-hop influence in general make it very difficult and for the most part unnecessary. And talent certainly isn't measurable by how technical a band is. Otherwise mathcore would have the most talent out there, and I doubt you would agree with that. Joey Jordison is above average (no, not the best) but may be very average if judged by the criteria of a different genre. One other thing I'd like to address is that there are a lot of incredibly skillful musicians within the nu metal genre, but for the sake of their respective band's sound, they don't let it show on releases. For instance, Wes Borland is considered a virtuoso guitarist in his own right, but you wouldn't know that if all you heard was his work with Limp Bizkit (an example of one of nu metal's worst bands IMO).

Unrelated to all this, Corey Taylor is an incredibly talented artist IMO.
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