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Old 10-22-2011, 11:54 PM   #4109 (permalink)
Unrepentant Ass-Mod
Join Date: Jun 2008
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No, actually, the complete opposite happened.

When you think about it, weed doesn't take much to burn, just a tiny flame that's hotter than the flash point of the bud. So what happened was the coal gradually heated the shisha until it was hot enough to ignite the weed, but once the weed started, it cherried through the entire charge of weed like a rabid animal & charred the rest of the shisha. So, basically, we pulled and pulled and pulled on the hookah until the weed spontaneously combusted. And then there was nothing left but nasty burnt shisha.

Funny thing is, we did it (like you imagined) trying to improve the weed's taste and it ended up fouler than anything we could have expected.

EDIT: The first time I ever got stoned was through a hookah, but we didn't use shisha or a coal, so it was basically a glorified bong. That, on the other hand, was awesome.
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