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Old 11-17-2011, 02:07 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
Really? I'd love to see that research. In fact, I'd love to see any research that says marijuana explicitly causes any sort of absolute psychological change (not physical, physiological, or symptomatic) in every single user every time they use it. You're completely out of your element here and you seem to be trying to cover up your nonsensical viewpoints by referencing the experiences of others and your own "observations", which is complete and utter bull****. Marijuana causes the most diverse and varied responses of nearly any naturally occurring substance in the world, and it has been proven countless times that no two people can experience it the same. Sure, there are lots of commonly shared feelings and effects that stem from the act of physically ingesting the substance, but the mental stimulation that cannabis provides baffles even the most well-read scholars.

Furthermore, what does logic have anything to do with making music? Music isn't a problem to be solved, and any attempt at scientific analysis of music, or the idea that you can frame music with the same methods used to come to factual evidence, is void because music predates science. Music predates all human understanding, as it is one of the most natural and uncomplicated things on Earth. Your claim that the music you prefer is more "layered/complex" only makes sense in your eyes because you force man-made constructs like meter, time, rhythm, etc. on something that can never be qualitatively measured. You actively try to dissect something that shouldn't be dissected just so you can feel superior to others.

Originally Posted by Phantom Limb View Post

It's complete bullshit to say that pot makes you want to listen simple music or that it doesn't make layered complex music easier to dissect. I like to smoke up and listen to big band jazz (among other thing) which happens to be pretty fucking layered and complex at times, and from my experience, I can hear more of what's going on in the music. And, as I've already said before in this thread, it's definitely possible to do the same sober, it just comes naturally when your high.

The "Frank Zappa" defense really doesn't do you shit either cause it doesn't change the fact that you've still never smoked and you don't know what you're talking about.
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