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Old 11-17-2011, 03:34 PM   #100 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra View Post
Furthermore, the second half of your argument is ridiculous, and presumptuous. I never said my 'ability to dissect music' was better than anyone’s. I was combating the flagrantly ridiculous claim that pot somehow makes the ability to deconstruction more complex melodies easier as completely ridiculous.
Nor did I. The point of my argument is the fact that you actually assign value to music. That you for some reason think that cultural stereotypes and your extremely limited and arbitrary sample sizes, i.e. "a lot of heavy pot smokers" you happen to know, have any bearing in intelligent discussion is utterly ridiculous. You've consistently stated that you don't think complex/layered/whatever elitist bull**** term you'd like to conjure up to defend itself isn't easier to comprehend when under the influence of marijuana, despite several members stating their own experience to prove the contrary. Not only do you actively deny the fact that JUST BECAUSE THE YOU AND THE PEOPLE YOU ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH CAN'T UTILIZE THE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA TO BETTER YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF COMPLEX INFORMATION DOESN'T MEAN **** ALL FOR THE REST OF US, you also disrespect and denigrate the experiential diversity that these members put forth. There are those of us who realize that any drug can be a catalyst for self-improvement, give that its effects are conducive to mental clarity. Marijuana is no different.

Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra View Post
I'll buy it makes you calmer, and may make music more enjoyable. But, consistently, the preference for more simple, bassy, repetitive music is commonly culturally associated with pot. Doom metal, etc. There are exceptions to this, there are people who utilize drugs as a performance aid. There are people who use it for inspiration, as well. I doubt, though, when the pen comes to the paper, and the concrete details of music need to be decided, that it's the best way to go.
"Culturally-associated" is a term so idiotic in definition it doesn't deserve to be in the English language. Your subjective idea of what is "culture" fails to take into account the infinitely varied responses marijuana use has on human beings. Who are you to assign anyone a dogmatic interpretation of their cognitive ability while under the influence of a substance you have no experience with? Are you really that vapid? That vain? To say that stoners are driven to simplistic music is stupid enough; to then try and defend it by saying it's proven by a cultural phenomenon when it so clearly has no correlation to marijuana's actual effects and could never be anything of the nature is incredible. This is a debate about if the effects of cannabis can enhance your ability to listen to music, not a debate about what people do when their high...

Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra View Post
I do not buy for one second pot increases, or enhances, any mental capability. Especially does not increase one's attention to detail. I say this from knowing a lot of heavy pot smokers who are under the delusion that they somehow have been mentally enhanced, and very clearly haven't.
This is my favorite part. You do not buy the idea that marijuana stimulates the mind and body's natural processes because you don't know anything about marijuana. Cannabis contains over 80 chemicals known as cannabinoids; these chemicals are responsible for triggering such processes as neurogenesis and immunogenesis, and possess anxiolytic, analgesic, and neuroprotectant properties that can catalyze the brain to operate at a higher function. The human body is full of endocannabinoid receptors that bind to marijuana's constituents and interact to fully realize the body's hormonal and structural maintenance functions. Cannabinoids are essential to neuromodulator release, motor learning, synaptic plasticity, and the development of appetite in newborn children. Mother's breastmilk contains much of the same cannabinoids as our favorite strains of pot, and is responsible for the growth and proper functioning of an infant's brain. Still don't think marijuana has the ability to bring about mental clarity?
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