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Thread: Hellow?
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Old 11-23-2011, 07:33 PM   #29 (permalink)
neverasitseems's Avatar
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Posts: 20

That makes sense, I guess, but without people who only passively participate in music, or any other artform, it really wouldn't be what it is. I think with art you need people who solely enjoy it, not make it, for it to truly be regarded as an artform. I don't quite know how to explain why I think that, though..

Also, that's the best way to learn, in my opinion. I found that learning how to play an instrument formally had much less passion for the music, it was all just "do this like this" and it takes away all of your individual creativity and interpretation. At least, in my experiences it did, which is why I quit lessons. Learning from a friend allows you to have more fun with it, as well. Probably less stress.
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