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Old 11-29-2011, 07:16 PM   #23 (permalink)
blankety blank
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 310

Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
TL; DR So, what do you think? Where do you believe music has evolved from?

I would advise that you just forget all that 'information', and discard it. Free that portion of the brain for more music. Music has always reflected 'cultural' ideals, and, tribal cultures usually used music as an appeal or appeasement to the various 'gods'.

Mating rituals in humans were rarely individual rites. And, as for animals, i.e birds, science understands them less than they understand us.

Your comments appear to address the issues with far more logic and reasoning than the comments quoted by the various 'sources'. It seems that the authors fail to take into account the biggest influence on modern music. Money. Record companies create 'sex idols', and pop music is designed to appeal to teenage girls. And, that all began with Elvis, who never wrote or co-wrote a song his entire career. And, he is the 'king'?

I won't rant. I agree with most of your comments. I would, however, toss the book in the trash file. Music has not 'evolved'. It has undergone several changes, which, then simply are classified under different or new genres.

Disco did die a quick death, thank heaven But, it can still be heard in techno dance pop. If one were to consider that 'evolution', I suppose that would be a valid opinion. And finally, it is said that 'emo' grew out of the post-hardcore punk scene, but, I cringe whenever I read that

Oh well. I suppose I could write a book here, but, I digress


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