Music Banter - View Single Post - The 2011 Music Banter User Awards: NOMINATIONS!
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Old 12-08-2011, 07:05 AM   #16 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: The Rapping Community
Posts: 24,593

Alright, here's my list. This was hard. There are so many people who I wanted to nominate for something but there wasn't an exact category they fit into.

Best Avatar: Freebase Dali—His monster nurse avatar has become a kind of MB icon for me. And his ghost/mad scientist/klan member/whatever it is avatar wasn't too shabby either.
Sexiest Member (Male): I don't think I pay enough attention to the member picture gallery to answer this
Sexiest Member (Female): Same as above
Most Inane: Il Duce—I honestly don't even mean this in a bad way. I'm sure he's aware that he talks a lot of nonsense (he's a lawyer after all) but I actually think he adds a certain flavor to the forum and I can't help but like him for it.
Most Enigmatic: PoorOldPo—As someone else already said, the guy makes beautiful art and seems really nice. It would be great to hear some music discussion from him though.
Angriest Member: Oojay—The ragemeister himself gets my nomination for this one.
Biggest Drama Whore: Dirty—When 99% of your posts consist of whining, you get the drama whore nod. Them's the rules.
Nicest Member: Lisnaholic—An all around classy individual. We don't tend to lurk in the same part of the site but it's always a pleasant surprise to cross paths with him.
Best Debater: Tore—I'm pretty sure I've voted him for this in previous years, but that's probably because he's so good at making solid, logical arguments.
Worst Debater: eraser.time206—Bad debaters come and go like the tide around here. He's just the first one to spring to mind since he was recent.
Best Writer: Engine—I always look forward to his posts. Not just because he has a great taste in music but because he has a lot of interesting things to say and is able to articulate them incredibly well.
Biggest Virtuoso: Burning Down—Have you heard this woman play flute? Amazing stuff.
Smartest Poster: Freebase Dali—Incredibly knowledgeable about everything from recording techniques to computers and probably the best problem solver around here as well.
Funniest Member: nonsubmissivewife—So friendly and easygoing that it's easy to miss how sharp her wit is, but she cracks me the hell up.
Best Mediator: mojopinuk—One of the most level-headed people around and very good at seeing an argument from all sides.
Biggest Troll: The Virgin—Does this even require an explanation?
Biggest Contributor: Jackhammer—He maybe hasn't been around as much this year as in years past, but he still is one of the major shapers of MB.
Most Improved Member: Lone Misfit—A little while ago it struck me how great it's been to see this guy grow during his time here. In less than two years he's matured a lot and gone from pretty much only talking about metal to having quite broad tastes. He was always a pretty cool cat but it's great to see him turning into one of the most thoughtful and interesting members here.
Most Underrated Poster: Thom Yorke—Some people show up here and immediately seem like they've been a part of the community forever and he's one of them. Always has something interesting to say and doesn't seem to take himself very seriously.
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Billy Jerome—This is in no way a put-down. For one thing, he digs his fair share of non-mainstream stuff too. It's just nice to see someone on here who is able to discuss modern (or semi-modern) pop music with such intelligence.
Most Obscure Music Taste: JackPat—I have a lot of common ground with him musically but even still I'm amazed by some of the stuff he comes up with. I can't even begin to imagine where he finds it.
Best Music Taste: Bob.—It certainly doesn't hurt that he and I are the same age and clearly ran in the same kinds of circles growing up, but if he recommends something, it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that I'll love it.
Biggest Music Nerd: Burning Down—Who could be a bigger music nerd than someone who actually studies it in an academic setting? She's easily one of the most knowledgeable people on MB, a fact which too often goes overlooked I think.
Best Thread Starter: Bastard of Young—Wins it for starting my favorite thread of the year (see below), plus I always look forward to reading what he has to say.
Most Missed Poster: Dankrsta—Where the hell have you been? This place hasn't been the same without you.
Thread of the Year: "The Death Metal Thread"—Pretty straight forward topic but it contained some of the best conversations on MB in 2011 IMO. It was always at the top of my list of things to check on whenever I logged in. I really appreciate MB's core crew of metal fans for making it that way.
Journal of the Year: "Just Can't Keep My Filthy Hands Of Your Piece Of Mind - Bob's Guide To Noise Rock" by Bob.—Still in it's infancy but it's definitely the journal I'm most excited about. All I have to say is he better finish it!
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian—She's really blossomed as a mod and become such a vital part of the team. Especially in the past few months she's done a ton and really helped bring a lot of fun to MB.
Best New Member 2011: Batlord—It's kind of shocking he's been here for as little time as he has since he's such an MB fixture. He's hilarious and has some great things to say. I'm definitely a fan.
Member of the Year 2011: s_k—I had a really hard time picking this one, but I'm giving it to this guy because he's such a character. He can be controversial at times I guess but he definitely brings a certain je ne sais quoi to MB that wasn't here before and which I think makes this place just a bit more interesting.
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