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Old 12-11-2011, 01:28 PM   #6 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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If in doubt just think about money.

IF they did lose their licence why on earth would either Itunes or Amazon go to the expense of going after all those people who have bought stuff legally AFTER they've already lost huge amounts of revenue because of it.

Secondly why do you think they have one agreement that covers everybody?
You really think the agreement they have with say Sony is the same one that covers an independent label such as Beggars Banquet? What makes you think all these agreements are going to suddenly end on the same day at the same time?

Thirdly why would the record companies take away what is probably two of their biggest revenue streams away voluntarily? Even a chain of supermarkets taking an album off it's shelves hurts record companies and they've been known to bow under pressure to make changes to albums just from that. Record companies make & distribute albums, they don't sell them.

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