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Old 12-12-2011, 06:24 AM   #135 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 937

Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
I'm surprised no one brought up the concept or behaviour of dance (if anyone did I'm sorry I missed it). Music and dance are intrinsically tied together as forms of individual artistic impression, though, in my eyes, the base purpose of dance is to display an individual's motor skills as well as to attract a mate (watch a pop video on mute and tell me it doesn't look like a porn shoot warm up...). It seems to stand to reason then that music would also have developed as a way to reach those ends but that doesn't mean it's the exclusive purpose. Though as mentioned by Satchmo music would cover an even wider range of potential aspects of development both mental and physical with the individual's musical prowess being an example of their ability to control those respective faculties of their being.
Dance doesn't have to be seen as sexual, it can be simply communal. The communal aspect of music was probably far more important deeper in the past. It was a way of bringing people together for an event, like a kind of ritual in which people shared the experience. Now we can just plug in some personal headphones and experience something on just a personal level, or we can just dance alone.
non-cliquey member of every music forum I participate on
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