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Old 12-16-2011, 12:03 AM   #177 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
Take the 90 percent, and contemplate, or study. It's not rocket science. It's hard to understand, but, with some insight and effort, it makes perfect sense. It's the effort part that people in general do not engage.

Which is why I receive so many insults. You did not insult me, so it does not include you. Those who choose to ostracize someone for presenting things not understood, are the ones who will someday. It's not pleasant finding things out the easy and broad way. Which is a hard lesson.

It sucks big time to find out Truth after you pass on this carcass. And, it is a carcass. We are indeed the walking dead, and are clueless.

The whole business of tying music as a process of 'evolutionism' into some kind biological metamorphosis, that progressed over time is demonstrated in reverse, exactly the manner in which everything is showing signs of regressing. Any, especially a Nobel winning biologist would certainly know the Hierarchy of the biological order of life, both old and new.

One would think anyway.

I am here to condescend, or ridicule anyone. I am actually attempting to open some eyes to see, and, I am not obligated to anything. I choose to, because, I have a bit of sympathy, and Love for beings, I should not care about, so it says.

I am actually surprised to know that is only 90%, and not higher. My last post should have raised that percentage a bit Good for you to grasp 10%

And, once again I have not insulted anyone. Nor, have I been injurious in my words, but, I will be accused again. No offense pedestrian, I do not condemn or judge people personally. That is task folks bring on themselves. It's not a pleasant experience, I can attest to that.

There is a judgment, you can take that to the bank. I've witnessed it, and, it is humiliating, as an understatement.
Weirdly enough (or perhaps not weirdly?) this is not entirely dissimilar to my world view.

Your musical opinion, however, is somewhat dissimilar to what I believe.

I do legitimately believe that musical taste is 100% subjective (not some 99.99999999% nonsense) and wholly based on personal experience. As a young person searching for her place in the world, I was in a production of The Laramie Project, protested by a Mr. Fred Phelps, and met Judy Shepard (the mother of Matthew Shepard) prior to performing said play. It was at this point in my life that I truly understood that there is no true "right" and no true "wrong"; it's all based on personal experience. While I feel that my views align with "good / right" more often than not, I also acknowledge that I could be completely ****ing wrong.

I mean - what if Ke$ha was legitimately the most technically sound musician that had ever graced the Earth? I don't agree with this, but what if it was right?

At this point, I decided that "Damn all - I don't care what's right; I will entertain any notions to the contrary, but I'm going to go with what I feel first and foremost."

Honestly, that made me the most happy I'd been in a long while.

Basically what I'm saying is this: Don't condemn others because their tastes don't align with yours. Embrace yourself as an individual, and be accepting of the viewpoints of others.

And don't post to MB so drunk that you can't see your keyboard.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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