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Old 12-31-2011, 11:53 AM   #1113 (permalink)
Let it drip
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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I'll provide a few thoughts on members that have made an impression on me this year:

Pedestrian - I've stumbled upon a few great albums courtesy of her this year, really nice taste and she's always willing to take a rec too, regardless of how pushy I am. One of the most witty and intelligent posters here.

Farfisa - Cool guy who should believe in himself a lot more. Cheer up chap, judging from our interactions, you've got a lot going for you.

Jackpat - Impressive knowledge when it comes to the more experimental/avante-garde pockets of music. Can come across as a little pretentious on occasions, but for me it's more a demand for quality than anything else, and I like that. I want to see some anger in 2012

Janszoon - Great poster, doesn't suffer fools gladly but if you at least attempt to offer some insight and think about the points you're making, he's the nicest guy around. Slammin' taste in music too.

Bob. - I probably have more in common with Bob. musically than I do with anybody else here. Have enjoyed geeking out with him on numerous occasions, top guy too, and always informative with his views.

Zer0 - Perhaps the most underrated poster on MB. The guy is a musical goldmine, and I love his writing style.

Engine - Clearly very intelligent, I enjoy his posts, which are always well thought out.

Ska - I'm not going to beat around the bush, I used to have a bit of a problem with Ska. I thought his posts were elitist and pretentious. He's actually a very nice guy when given the chance, and I've enjoyed many a good mumu with him. For me, the most improved member.

DocSoft - I've warmed to Doc, never had much time for him before but, since I've increased my activity here, I've got to know him a little better. Cool guy and I love the fact he digs Sortsind.

Jackhammer - Has been one of my favourite members for a good few years now. I don't have a bad word to say against him, handles everything with grace and charm, and he has a knowledge of music that puts me to shame

James - No idea the guy was 16, his demeanour belies his age, I wish I'd have been that mature in my mid-teens.

TomClancy - Has injected a bit of energy into MB, I like his enthusiasm for music and his willingness to try out new things.

Uincr0n - Really hope he sticks around, that's all.

ThePhanastasio - Though I haven't spoken to her much, I always enjoy her posts. She has interesting viewpoints, and communicates in a highly engaging manner.

Urban - Barely speak to him, and I'm quite sure it's been this way since we both joined 7 years ago - I put this down to the fact I'm not female. Be that as it may, I do respect his opinions, and I'm always interested in reading his posts.

Canwllcorfe - The guy likes DSBM, it's inevitable that I'll like him. Generally always interested to see what he's listening to.

If I've forgotten anyone... Fuck it, you'll live.
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