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Old 01-09-2012, 09:33 PM   #1127 (permalink)
midnight rain
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1,711

Ok so I'm not a big poster on here at all, and most people have no idea who I am probably cause I lurk 95% of the time trying to learn half as much music as most people here know (not to mention I never post in the music forums anymore. But from my lurking I'll give my opinions on some of the members here:

Janszoon: One of my favorites, I see him as the true Administrator, since r-t abandoned his post. Won't hesitate to make a fool out of you in an argument, but always does it with dignity and respect for you. You can scream in his face and he'll calmly tell you why you're wrong. Also, he's got a great sense of humor.

Freebase Dali: Also has a good sense of humor, and has a mind of his own. Unflinching in his opinions and really doesn't care what others think. Massive respect for anyone like that. Definitely a smart guy.

Conan: I enjoy his oddball sense of humor, wish I still saw him post more.

TheCunningStunt: same as Conan.

Urban Hatemonger: Don't think the guy's liked me since I joined (if he remembers me that is) and that's alright with me. I think he's bitter with life and vents his frustrations on MB (I may be way off on this one). Noticed he hits on girls here, a lot. I liked his sense of humor when I first joined, have found it repetitive and stale for a while now though. I don't think me and him would agree on much.

Vanilla: Tries hard to fit in, is quick to join in on the insult bandwagon with whoever's being attacked by other MB members. Kind of hypocritical (getting pissed at other girls who post revealing pictures, saying djchameleon lacks variety in music taste, etc.)

Il Duce: Pretty off the wall, doesn't take anything too seriously, I like him for that. Seems chill, even if he's a weirdo

James: can't believe the kid's 14 or 15, he seems much more mature. has a pretty good wit about him.

Sparky, FaSho, most of the other teens that populate the rap forums: way too eager to find the next artist that's going to blow up, cares less about the music more about the 'swag', really surprised their on MB since they seem mostly concerned with image. Probably just their teen phase or something.

TheBig3: I must be too stupid to get his humor cause I never found his posts all that funny. I'll give him points as an argumentalist though.

Salami: Would give my opinions on him but it seems others beat me to the punch and sent him running from these boards. Another kid that seems to jump on the insult train when it gets rolling.

Satchmo: made that Golden Girls post a while back that is probably the funniest comment I've read to date on MB. another guy who seems to be straight and to the point

You guys can take this all with a grain of salt, since it's kind of an outsider's perspective. Sorry if I offended anyone but I was being completely honest. I have opinions on a lot more of the other members but only so much time.
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