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Old 01-12-2012, 09:18 PM   #2631 (permalink)
Electrophonic Tonic
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First off, a round of applause for Unknown Soldier and his time he put into this thread as it's most recent General.

Now, if you want to skip past the inner workings and Diary of a Mad Black Anomalocaris, feel free to skip to the big red letters below.


The conclusion I came to when I thought about re-tooling this thread was that the album vs album concept is solid. It allows all the members on this board to comment, vote and judge these albums, without investing much time. On the other hand, just by having these little one-off contests it can be easy to step away and forget what is happening. I consider myself guilty of that, and I'm sure I'm not the only one; regardless of extent.

The Metal Wars!!!!!!!!!!!! thread limits itself to metal albums, despite being an incredibly diverse genre and is a lively, successful thread. Because there is that slight structure, I decided to do the same. I also believe the best group thread on these boards is Pedestrian's Album of the Month Club, so I will unashamedly borrow some elements of that thread to re-tool Album Wars!!!!!!!!!!!.

So, to combine the album vs album format with Metal Wars!!!!!!!!!!!! and the Album of the Month Club.... I have come up with this format:

*Album Wars: Beat the Champ*

I'll explain the format:

1.We will start by collecting themes, like in the Album of the Month club. These themes can be anything from 60's albums, rap albums, albums with 3 songs or less, albums with blue album covers, ect, ect... Just be sure to pick nothing that limits the number of albums we can have (i.e. Albums that feature a homicidal, time-traveling gynecologist from Jupiter)

2. We will select a theme by voting for 5-7 days, and that will be the theme for the subsequent albums wars that will follow. For this example, the winning theme will be Beatles albums. You guys will submit your battles to me via PM. First come, first serve.

3. And we know the deal here. Album vs. Album. We comment. We vote. When it appears all discussion has been exhausted, I will declare a winner and we will move onto the next battle. I would like to see a minimum of 5 votes per battle, but I'll play it by ear regardless. So, this round Sgt. Pepper defeated Yellow Submarine in a squeaker, 8-7.

4. Normally, we would move onto a completely new match-up. But in the Beat the Champ format, Sgt. Pepper will go up against another album from the current theme. At this point: the battles originally sent to me will be put on hold. Now, only challengers will be accepted. Again, first come, first serve. Sgt. Pepper will keep appearing in album battles as long as it keeps winning. I have decided a cap of 6 victories (the initial win, plus 5 more title defenses) will result in that album being the winner of that particular war, and the theme would then be retired.

5. I don't see many albums managing to run the table, so if no album manages to win it all, a few different things could happen:

a. If a theme does not develop enough interest and votes over the long hull, it will be tabled for another match-up, or possibly removed if the interest is flat-lining. I don't see this happening, and I plan to be very forgiving about this rule.

b. If we go several battles and no album gains a foothold, something like 7 match-ups with 7 different albums winning, it will be considered for tabling. The reason why I would table the topic is not to discourage certain albums from winning, but so the thread can keep moving forward. I will take into account the broadness of the theme and the number of options it has available. Tabling does not mean the theme is removed, but it will be saved for another time. And much like the lack of interest clause; I plan being hands off as much as possible.

6. As for allowed match-up, as long as the battle features no double jeopardy parings, any album in the theme is allowed. When we choose the theme, I will have some sort of guideline for what is considered appropriate for the theme.


So, if you're asking ...

I feel the original format needed to be slightly to make the thread relevant in a sub-forum where anything music is applicable. The album vs. album format remains for those who want to only participate on a part-time basis. The themes allow for people who want to be regulars to be rewarded for their patronage. This format covers both bases and makes me believe this thread will be thriving again.

I will be accepting themes from the time this post is up. I think one week of themes being submitted will give us a substantial stockpile to fall back on. I'll give the themes 5 days of voting, and the winning theme will have it's first battle January 23rd!

If you have any critiques, questions or comments, feel free to post them in this thread.

Last edited by Electrophonic Tonic; 01-12-2012 at 11:58 PM.
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