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Thread: Rise Against
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Old 02-06-2012, 12:35 PM   #220 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 117

Republicrats don't matter at all, they're not even worth mentioning, neither is any left wing political doctrine unless it includes a healthy dose of anarchist thought process to balance it out. The only thing people should be concerned about is a complete regime change in most of the worlds nations. A place like Bhutan, not so much, a place like the US or Canada - extreme need of a discarding of the two party dictatorship which is held up and backed by financiers.

All the majority of leftist political idealogy is going to do is feed a few more people, offer a safety net for some, disproportionately tax others and create a veil that its fair and any better than its barely different modern conservative counterpart. The mega rich, the financiers, the elite will always find a way to retain their wealth and power and will exploit a new left wing system just like they exploit their current one and a by product is that you'll have now have given the state all the more power over your lives in controlling and distributing the wealth(but not the wealth of the elite)in a new manner, with more and more corruption.

So, I tire of these cliche rants against one side or another, they're both equally inept and a band that's criticizing a neo-con society, but calling for socialism is quite humorous to me, since most of them call for freedom. Ha.

And every place in the world nearly has a laundry list of political issue's, deal with it, live and die with it. Rise against isn't lyrically innovative, nor even good. Its cliche socialist, straight edge noise under a catchy package.
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