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Thread: Circumcision
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Old 02-07-2012, 01:49 PM   #167 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 117

He posted one inconclusive study, dummy, taken from a sample of adults that were recently circumcised. Recently, get it? Meaning not yet having the wear and tear of years of keratinization on the glans, like children who are circumcised at an early age. Likewise even in that, its inconclusive and shows variables that state sensitivity is lost and variables that don't like it.

And this is a test from a Medical association that exists in a heavily pro-circ society. A society that has developed a billion dollar industry around it.

On the other hand, anyone can find tons of information that circ is heavily damaging, unbelievable amounts, some of which already has been posted in this thread. Perhaps you missed that, but one inconclusive study from a control group that doesn't apply to the real issue is a proper retort to the globs of information, independent and official, stating otherwise.

Why do you think women in the US often complain of not having orgasms in intercourse? Why do you think ED runs rampant in American men after 35?

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Let us ponder some reason why..... ??? Don't know....

The whole issue is children not being able to make the decision for themselves. Which you state that you're against, so why debate against me? That's what I'm against and my posts clearly define that.
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