Music Banter - View Single Post - Skrillex:Yay, or Nay?
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:26 PM   #46 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Maybe mainstream in the United States. In the U.K., Benga and Skream brought it up and mainstreamed it. Now they even do a radio show on primetime hours, on Radio One. Skrillex is a late-comer, and a hack. He's the Justin Bieber, the Lil Wayne, the Lady Gaga of dubstep here in the U.S. In other words, very popular but nowhere near as talented as his predecessors or contemporaries.

And I must add, again, he has taken others' music and uses it as his own, and doesn't credit the original artist in any way. Example: DJ Shadow's "Organ Donor" on "Amplifire". So he's going to play DJ Shadow's song, unedited, not remixed at all, then at the end, he's going to throw some DJing in, with some wobbles, and call it his song, and not reference the original artist anywhere?

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