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Old 02-11-2012, 11:11 AM   #4684 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Ireland
Posts: 1,088

1. Fruits, vegetables or neither?

I'm more of a veggie person than a fruit person, in general. I am rather partial to pears and cherries though!

2. Do you alphabetise your collections be it music, books or films?

Hard question to answer at the moment - music is mostly alphabetised, but I've moved house so many times recently that a lot of it is just sitting in towers waiting to be sorted. Books are ordered by author more than by letter, and due to a large excess of books that don't fit on shelves, it means we had to prioritise by favourite books/authors/genre rather than having it all alphabetised! Films are... I think. At least that's the intention :P

In short: In general, we aim to, but it doesn't necessarily turn out that way :P

3. Your favourite aroma?

Cooking smells, particularly roasts <3

4. Your least favourite aroma?

Rotting garbage.

5. What food item do you eat every week without fail (it can be a secondary ingredient)?

well, the standards are all there - beef (mince mainly) chicken (fillets mainly), potatoes (I am Irish after all), carrots, peas, sweetcorn, spinach...

There's no one meal that I would have every week without fail, we tend to try and mix it up as much as possible. The most obscure thing that I have on a weekly basis would probably be something like Ginger, or Fenugreek (which I tend to put in everything).

6. If we create sims and they eventually become self aware over time who are their gods or creators?

Thaaat depends. First, a clarification - God and Creator are neither mutually exclusive nor necessarily exclusive Are we still controlling the lives of said sims after their self awareness? If so, then they may consider us their gods. Certainly we would be all-powerful and controlling within their domain - whether we are or not outside of their domain isn't relevant to the concept of godliness - see the greek pantheon for example. It is my personal belief that godliness is in the eye of the beholden - to consider another a god is to not understand the limits of their power or their nature; to consider oneself a god is... well, arrogant, among other things.

So, we would certainly be their creators. Are we their gods? From my perspective, no. From their perspective, quite possibly.
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