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Old 02-14-2012, 03:24 PM   #116 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 117

Cops are organized crime. There are exceptions, I respect an honest officer, but they tend to just be rare exceptions. What you get instead is an army of formerly bullied dweebs with insane insecurity issue's that choose this career path because of the need for the authority. That imaginary badge that gives them the right to ruin your existence by carting someone off to the cage to live with rabid, dangerous animals is all that gives them that feeling of false respect.

There's a myriad of reasons for this and I don't feel like posting them.

But, this is a yes list of common realities -

Yes, they do target and profile minorities.
Yes, they do overstep their boundaries and authorized power.
Yes, they do arrest harmless drug users to make quota.
Yes, they do beat down and taze people for no purpose.
Yes, they do profit from illegal means on the side.
Yes, they are NOT impartial in a police state.

Add to the legal system which doesn't work hardly at all and a mountain of corrupted, outdated and idiotic laws that they stil bolster up... How can anyone like the police and not have some agenda?

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