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Old 02-16-2012, 06:21 AM   #2 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Part 4¼

Well, for my very first entry, I shall review an album by an incredibly underrated band, SNOWMINE, which is a psych-indie band from Brooklyn, NY. There’s surprisingly little information about these chaps on the internet, what did catch my eye was this gem from Pop Wreckoning: “If Jurassic Park had a houseband, it would sound like SNOWMINE”
That is certainly one way of looking at it. I have personally found this album to be quite exceptional, blending some intricate sounds with soothing vocals and dreamy atmospheres.
I can’t make it a particularly long review, because there really isn’t that much to say! I shall point out some of the highlights, but I really can’t go into great depth here.

Beast in Air, Beast in Water – This is the opening track. From the start, the atmosphere is threatening. One of the lyrics is “sense of urgency”, yet the song is remarkably restrained, suggesting more confusion and fatigue than panic. Indeed, there are some beautiful moments towards the end of this song, and it is, throughout, a misty haze of uncertainty.
Salami Scale: 9/10

The Hill: Much more withdrawn sound here, the music sounds distant and with noticeable echoing and delay effects, which are all very intriguing. Also interesting is the ease at which the vocals slip in and out of falsetto, some of the most natural falsetto I’ve ever heard.
Salami Scale: 9/10

This One: Probably the most upbeat song on the album, yet still restrained. The vocals are sustained, and the song flows like a perfect rolling landscape of sound.
Salami Scale: 9/10

Hologram: The final song on the album, and indisputably the finest. It is the crowning jewel of an album already very stimulating. It is a shimmering cataract of beauty, an exquisite blend of ambient and vocal harmony. The chords are played so softly and unobtrusively, yet powerful and carry the tune forward. Every sound is as withdrawn and played as smoothly as possible, but the resulting beauty is outstanding. It is the most dreamy and withdrawn track, but also the most intense, absorbing and intimate. I cannot rate this song more highly.
Salami Scale: 10/10

Listen to it right now:

Overall Album Rating:



To me, this band is an innovative, stimulating listen, using some phenomenal orchestral effects to a good end, and the final result is one I would heartily recommend.
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