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Old 02-17-2012, 01:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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- Your age and nationality (optional, or please give approximate)
26, American

- How important is music to you ?
Very important. It may not sustain my physical health, but it definitely sustains my mental health. Now that I listen to so much, it has become harder and harder to figure out what exactly I feel like listening to at the moment, but there is always SOMETHING that is going to help me out.

- Has it had a precise impact, made a change, at any specific moment ?
It still has an impact, but its more obvious to me now (more in the way that I'm in a ****ty mood and I know I need to just meditate to some music). In high school, discovering music's anxiety-relieving properties basically changed my whole outlook on life.

- Do you think the music you listen to influences your life/life style/ way you dress/personality ?
Nah, I'm still a nerdy scientist. People are surprised with how much I know about music. Then once they realize I have an encyclopedic knowledge (compared to the average person) of nerd-like proportions it makes more sense to them.

- Is there a type/genre of music, artist, band, song, album (anything to do with music really) that had a great or lasting impact on you ?
The Smashing Pumpkins changed my life. I randomly picked up their greatest hits in high school, didn't expect too much (I had heard a few songs before), and then popped that sucker in when I was going to sleep that night. The thought "Where has this been my whole life?" crossed my mind for just about every song on there. I just related to those songs on a level I had never experienced before. I haven't looked back since.

-Have your tastes in music changed throughout your life ? If so, why do you think that is ?
At first I was definitely into alternative rock/heavier stuff. I stayed away from things I thought I might be criticized for (to me, everyone else still knew more about music). Now I listen to everything because my ears constantly crave new sounds. I also don't give two ****s about what anyone thinks about my taste. It's pretty easy for me to make someone feel stupid if they try to pull that on me.

-What do you think of the importance of lyrics ?
Pretty much what Freebase said. Sometimes I don't want lyrics. Sometimes I have to have them. Sometimes they can be nonsense, sometimes I want them to mean something.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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