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Old 02-20-2012, 09:58 AM   #396 (permalink)
The Fascinating Turnip
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 510

Originally Posted by Conan View Post
The thing I absolutely hate the most about depression is telling people about it. Some people really don't fucking get it.

"Snap out of it."
"Cheer up!"
"Why are you depressed?"
"We all get a little sad sometimes."
"You're just using this as an excuse to be lazy."

If I could snap out of it and cheer up I would. It's not like on the movies where there has to be some kind of traumatic event for a person to retreat into depression, sometimes people just get it. And then you have people who think they know what you're feeling because they've been sad before, because their parakeet died last year and they were real "depressed" about it. Fuck off.
One of my biggest doubts and fears is whether I'm genuinely depressed or just being a pissy wanker. I'd never forgive myself if my misery, self loathing, lack of initiative, lack of enjoyment happened not to be depression and just a part of my personality. I've been like this for most of my life, I suppose, so it could just be a trait. It also makes the possibility that I have depression sound quite scary, as if I'll turn into a different person when I'm not depressed.
About other people, it's absolutely heart wrenching when you're talking to someone else about how rubbish you feel, about how when you wake up in the morning there's nothing to look forward to and they just tell you to grow up or man up or something in the upward direction. Maybe it can be done without any outside help, but fucking hell, it's not as simple as just clicking your ****ing fingers and saying "I'm not going to be sad any more. There!"

Originally Posted by tore View Post
When I've been depressed, which was a very long time ago, I remember being pretty apathetic about it. I didn't care about stuff like f.ex my own health. In a way, being depressed pacified me and kept me from doing anything about me being depressed. Sometimes, the self-pity I felt was quite comforting.
This. These negative feelings seem to be particularly addictive, if I can use that (often carelessly flung about) word. When I feel absolutely miserable I somehow take comfort in how bad I feel, which in turn makes me feel bad for enjoying the very thing I hate. It's particularly bad when people just tell you to get off your arse and stop being depressed, since your motivation to do so will be nil and they'll just feel like you're an idiot. It's just another way for the unbearable guilt to worsen.
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