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Old 02-23-2012, 02:38 AM   #30 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
I was sitting at the kitchen table. It was still sunny outside, around 4 or 5 PM. It was a snack, or meal, whatever you want to call it. And yes, the chair did a 180 and faced me.
Alright. To help explain the chair swivelling around 180 degrees, three explanations immediately come to mind.
  1. Someone was pulling a prank on you in order to scare you and made it look like the chair turned on its own, even though it didn't
  2. Something was leaning up against the chair and, as gravity took over, made the chair swivel around. Most rocking chair only touch the floor with very little surface and so may be good candidates for swivels.

The third explanation is of course that it didn't happen the way you suggest which means you are not being truthful, either purposely or unknowingly. I'm not accusing you of lying, but it's a valid explanation. You could be lying on purpose, by fabricating the entire story or by modifying it or leaving out factors you know could explain the happening in order to further your argument.

It is possible to unknowingly do this, although the circumstances are usually different. Through suggestion, one can imagine things and alter memories of experiences. I've done a bit of ghost hunting and so I know I've done this myself. Once, me and a friend locked ourselves into an abandoned WW2 bunker for a night. We had locked ourselves in with a chain and padlock and threw the key out through this breathing hole (). After a night's sleep, we were up by the locked door waiting for our rescuer to come. I remember I was looking out through the breathing hole and then turned around to look back into the cave where we'd slept. I thought I saw a ghostly shape in the dark and it scared me quite a bit. I thought it had looked like a lady in a floating white dress, although why the hell would there be a lady in a floating dress in a WW2 bunker?

Of course, we'd been in the dark for a long time and when I saw the light through the breathing hole, that left white spots in my eyes. We were already a bit jumpy and thinking of ghosts and so when I turned around, my imagination turned those light spots into something a little more sinister. As I started to believe my own story that I'd seen something supernatural, my memory started altering, adding detail to the vision of the lady that I'd seen. Today, I believe there was no ghost at all and all that was a fabrication of my imagination based on an accidental light trick.

There was also a haunted house that we sometimes would visit. We'd go there in the evenings and sometimes bring tabletop RPGs to play in the attic. It had the kind of attic where you climb up some steep stairs and then there's a trapdoor at the top. When sitting up there in candle light, we heard sounds of people rummaging around downstairs which really creeped us out to the point where we put heavy stuff over the trapdoor. The more we imagined the noises were the result of hauntings, the more the sounds became like footsteps, etc. And the more convinced we were that it sounded like people, the more we altered our memories of the sounds to fit that story. Of course, it was probably just the sound of the wind in the house which is perfectly able to do stuff like close doors (it was particularly bad one stormy night after all). Or, it could even be someone else (alive I mean) visiting without knowing we were sitting scared in the attic.

I wouldn't say that midday snacks in the kitchen are typical situations where people kid themselves, but perhaps it's possible. I do believe that once you've accepted your ghost explanation, you would become biased and favour evidence that points to that explanation. Your memory of the event might start to alter. F.ex you say it turned to face you. Perhaps it didn't really, it turned - but faced a direction to either side of you.
Something Completely Different

Last edited by Guybrush; 02-23-2012 at 02:44 AM.
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