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Old 02-28-2012, 05:05 PM   #65 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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You are all simplifying the interplay of race and slavery in the context of the USA; some examples being -

-the first person legally recognized as property, in the colonial USA, was black
---as was his owner
-Indians also owned slaves; some after the civil war

So, let's be clear; black's owned black slaves; indian's owned black slaves; and whites owned black slaves. The issue of chattel slavery vs. traditional is of course important (and obvious); but, let's keep in mind we're speaking of this slavery occurring in the same time period, and all these groups had members who participated in brutal chattel slavery.

In this, we see such a system of slavery was not unique to the USA, but also existed in Latin America, notably in Brazil. I'm sure you're all familiar with las Casas and the role he played in substituting slavery of Indians with that of Africans.

Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
When a group is racially oppressed by a more numerous group, it normally forms nationalism in the group that were the victims of this opression. Great examples over the last couple of centuries have included whites and blacks in the USA, Jews in Europe and most recently Serbs and Muslims in old Yugoslavia.

Point here being in this thread, is the KKK are downright racist, wereas the BPM are based on black pride which manifests itself in the form of nationalism. Without groups like the KKK, there would be no need for a group like the BPM to actually exist.
If you're going to advocate the notion that multiculturalism & racial egalitarianism is a genuinely moral in the full meaning of the word, fine, but that notion is directly at odds with the concept that racism is acceptable at times. What you're trying to say is something to the effect of, "The ends don't justify the means, except when they do."

That is, unless I misread you and you're claiming that racism is positive some times.

The actual need for any racist and nationalist groups to actually exist in the current world is a sorry state indeed, we live in a multi-cultural society where people have just become too intermingled to ever reverse the cycle, its a shame that there are some sorry bastards that continue to pursue racial disharmony, it would be so much easier if they just lived peacefully with their neighbours.
You're presuming multiculturalism can work, you're ignoring that multiculturalism is a phenomenon exclusive to the west, and your fatalism is anything but convincing.
Have mercy on the poor.
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