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Old 03-03-2012, 02:29 AM   #11240 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
A-fucking-men, it's one of the worst and most (like you said) distasteful movies I've ever seen. I was expecting the violence to be more comedic and the plot to be a bit less far-fetched, but instead I got a completely absurd, unfunny gore-fest with some of the most unnecessarily crass dialogue I've ever heard.
I wish I still had it so I could remember the dialogue. I certainly didn't come away from it thinking the dialogue was awful. I had 0 expectations for a movie called Hobo With a Shotgun plotwise/dialoguewise, ya know...

I do remember laughing out loud once or twice, but not what it was that did it. Odds are I was laughing at it and not with it so to speak, but still I didn't lose any enjoyment from the writing. Maybe I'll pull up a copy of the script if I can find one and browse through it for an example. Meh... but in your favor, I remember scoffing at the speech the hooker gave to the mob about homeless people. It touched a nice note, but didn't come across correctly. I appreciated the message, but not the soapbox style speech or the mob reaction.

Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post
I totally understand the notion that Hobo wasn't supposed to be serious and that it's intent was to be a fun, funny, and violent romp through the streets of Hell Town. Frankly if you kept the plot and hired a decent writer, this movie could have been a new name added to a list of classic grindhouse/gore-y films (Planet Terror/Machete/Evil Dead/Dead Alive). It was just a bad movie. The writers seemed like they wanted to shock the audience and that was it. The dialogue was just atrocious. This is obviously based on taste and sense of humor but I didn't laugh once at any of the lines delivered by any of the actors. Some of the deaths were entertaining but the whole "school bus" scene ruined everything for me, which wasn't much. I really didn't need to see that. If they were trying to display the sadistic nature of the brothers, well, you already did that like 20 times before he entered the school bus. Not needed.

It's the same point and argument that I'm telling people on why I have no intention of seeing Project X. You don't need to just shove shock and awe into my face for an hour and a half. What is that doing? There have been plenty of party movies before that have been great at giving me a bunch of scenes showing how crazy people are at parties while also giving me an actual movie. Hobo with a Shotgun just screamed "EVERYBODY IS CRAZY MURDERS! SEE? SEE US MURDER PEOPLE? CRAZY OR WHAT?"

Some people may like that, but it's just not for me.
Man I didn't even bat an eye at the school bus fiasco. In fact, I was ... impressed(?) that they had the balls, I guess, to kill a bus full of kids. And those kids were just young actors/extras - I'm fairly positive they're still alive. Although I didn't see a "No children were harmed in the making of this film" in the credits... ;D It even served as a plot device:
Spoiler for hobo plot device:
It got the parents/community even more scared. That was the tipping point. Before that, the community knew things were foul but tried to turn a blind eye and avoid the trouble. But with kids being targetted, and being told it would continue until the vigilante hobo was brought down, it made a mob out of everyone and not just the typical bad guys. In fact, after writing that, I applaud their decision to do the school bus torching. Never seen that on film before, either, so kudos, even though yes, sure, they could have found another way to make that same effect occur - but they didn't have to pussyfoot around so why bother?

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