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Old 03-04-2012, 06:25 AM   #6 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Originally Posted by Salami View Post
1. I know how to use spoiler tags on here, but is there any way of using them OFF Music Banter, such as in a Word document?
- You can paste the BBCode into a Word document to post something with spoilers on the forums at a later date, but it wouldn't actually show up as spoilers in your Word document, as far as I can tell.

2. Don’t you just hate that feeling when you come out of the shower completely wet, but then suddenly realise there’s not a towel in the place at all, so you either have to put on your clean clothes while still wet, or dash naked back to your room? Is this a defect in me or a problem common to all humans?
- I always have a towel handy before I take a shower. That seriously has never happened to me, unless it was a blackout drunk shower and I totally forgot.

3. Is it wrong to post online naked whilst having that experience?
- I don't think so, although I personally would feel weird sitting naked in a computer chair.

4. Is being ginger a sin I am accountable for?
- No, nothing wrong with being a ginger.

5. Why is it that despite sprouts being so universally loathed are universally consumed?
- I personally like them. Then again, they're very, very popular in the American South, and would be a side vegetable with school lunch at least 3 days a week. That and fried okra.

6. Why is it that no matter how much running I do, I never get any better?
- You've probably been building endurance. When you do that, it doesn't control so much increases in speed, explosiveness, or any of that. It just makes it mainly so you have the cardiovascular health to run a given distance. If you add resistance to your training - e.g. running with a parachute, weighted vest, etc. - you'd likely be able to increase the speed and explosiveness, at least a little bit. I did that (weighted vest) for softball conditioning, and went from fourth slowest sprinter on the team to third quickest from my freshman to senior years.

7. Are there any fit girls online here in my age range (17+) in the Manchester / Sheffield area?
- Ha!

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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