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Old 03-04-2012, 07:37 AM   #7 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
- You can paste the BBCode into a Word document to post something with spoilers on the forums at a later date, but it wouldn't actually show up as spoilers in your Word document, as far as I can tell.
Probably the only real way, just have the [spoiler='example'] - text - [/spoiler/] pasted into word, I guess. That could then be used in forums afterwards.
- I always have a towel handy before I take a shower. That seriously has never happened to me, unless it was a blackout drunk shower and I totally forgot.

- I don't think so, although I personally would feel weird sitting naked in a computer chair.
Haha, I never said anything about it not being weird
I think there's something uncomfortable about my skin touching leather in general though.
- No, nothing wrong with being a ginger.

- I personally like them. Then again, they're very, very popular in the American South, and would be a side vegetable with school lunch at least 3 days a week. That and fried okra.

- You've probably been building endurance. When you do that, it doesn't control so much increases in speed, explosiveness, or any of that. It just makes it mainly so you have the cardiovascular health to run a given distance. If you add resistance to your training - e.g. running with a parachute, weighted vest, etc. - you'd likely be able to increase the speed and explosiveness, at least a little bit. I did that (weighted vest) for softball conditioning, and went from fourth slowest sprinter on the team to third quickest from my freshman to senior years.
That's the other aspect of this I suppose, playing a sport in general like softball isn't really so much long distance endurance as short bursts, which in itself must help.
The difference is that by training you can supposedly increase the distance you are able to run for, but with sprinting it is harder because you're relying a lot more on your physiology, which is not very easily changed by training.
- Ha!
In essence, I'm essentially using this music board for the purposes of sex, which I think is a privilege restricted to the mods.
Never mind, there's got to be a few Manchester babes out of the 55,000 registered users here.
Although from what I know of my local area, girls here aren't into internet forums that much.
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