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Old 03-05-2012, 04:14 PM   #277 (permalink)
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Smile ponder this

Evil isn't something in the world we have to fight, its a feeling inside that we have to make right---quote by me
To anyone who believes there is a god, instead of relying on any religions interpretion of what god is saying y not see for yourself. I believed that god did exist but something felt off with all religions, so I said to my self god if u r there and inside all of us like u say then I am going to figure this out all on my own so I quit my job and with nothing but me and a bible I spent 3 years in recluse doing nothing but figuring it out, studying and meditating, and got a completely different story than what I have ever heard. It is about love for yourself and others, and the only evil we see in this world as individuals, is nothing but a reflection of ourselves, like we heard since we were kids, "takes one to know one". It is about finding a piece of yourself in everything u hate, and forgive, cause everything in life is just, and all bad things that happened to his is because we were putting out hate from the inside. The true nature of forgiveness isn't pardoning a sin and making it real, it is seeing that there was no sin in the first place. Cause we created it all. If there is a situation in our lives that pisses us off, it will keep happening until we make peace with it and forgive. Just call something wrong and pay attention to how it makes u feel on the inside, its not a good feeling, calling something wrong is making a judgement, hence judge not lest Ye be judged, there are some things that we don't want to know, like right and wrong, all we do know for sure is if we feel good or not, it feels good inside to praise(look for the good in) something and it feels bad inside to criticize something. Your heart is your guide, emotions r felt in the heart. So we need to realize what we have been taught is right and wrong needs to be disregarded, and pay attention to how we feel, love your enemys, cause they aren't your enemies, they r u. If u feel anger that is god saying u r wrong, u know that cause it doesn't feel good, so shut off your brains and listen to your hearts and your lives will change dramatically for the good, god wrote his laws in everyone's heart, we r born with it, so when it comes to what is going on outside of our bodies we need to have no opinion, we r all guilty of the same things, it is a out forgiving and not carrying anger no more. We all reap what we sow, so don't hate the messenger, and realize if somebody wrongs us we deserved it.

Last edited by seekn4; 03-05-2012 at 04:49 PM. Reason: edit
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