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Old 03-20-2012, 07:34 AM   #11 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by Ben Butler View Post
I just get that feelings that things on the internet are cheaper. You wouldn't have to travel anyway.
That's because most people STEAL on the internet. If you don't have to travel then you're working through the net and need the technological infrastructure and ability to make it happen (HD webcam / video editing skills / high speed internet / etc.) Then you need a way to protect it or you'll never profit from it. Then there's also the cost of maintaining the website and servers, and promoting the site so there's always enough users to justify its existence.

Originally Posted by Queen Of The World View Post
I certainly can't afford private lessons. I learn off what I can find on the net so yeah it could work providing there was some way for the professional tutors to get paid something
If you can't afford lessons then how do you honestly think professionals would get paid? At the end of the day good intentions are just hot air. You might get a few altruistic instructors but for the most part, people have bills to pay and as a result don't work for free.

Originally Posted by steve0211 View Post
The potential market for something like this is absolutely there!

As evidenced by this site, and others, there are plenty of people that like social networng and have interest in playing music.

There may be a way to do something like that through this site. idk. lol
Would you pay cash money for an account to be on this forum? There's a huge difference in farting around a webforum and posting lists of favourite musical whatevers or discussing your favourite band/album and actually learning to play an instrument.

You're also right, there IS a way to do something like this on this site - make a thread in the Instrument section and ask for a bit of advice.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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