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Old 03-25-2012, 10:08 AM   #4941 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
Posts: 7,648

1. What is your favourite soft drink?

Don't drink soda, but when I use to it was coke

2. What vice in society shall serve as its noose?

Celebration of ignorance.

3. Who has impacted your life the most--whether you personally know them or not?

Probably my dad, I'm 23 going on 24 soon and I still feel like I'm just a fraction of the man he is.

4. Do you have any strange idiosyncrasies?

Probably the most spastic thing about me is that I, for whatever reason, cannot pronounce tartar sauce properly, it always comes out as tar-tar sauce. It's not really a problem considering I don't eat fried fish all that much, but it's kind of silly in an enduring kind of way.

5. What serves as your release for stress, anger, etc?

Listening to metal helps a lot as doing going to the gym. I've also found that cleaning helps relieve me when I feel stressed out or angry.

6. Cats or dogs?

I like both's company but in the end I'd probably end up going for a dog if given a choice. Cats have some inherently superior practicality qualities such as making apartment hunting a lot easier and usually costing less to feed, but dogs double as a kick ass security system so it's a trade off in some ways. Plus they help you get girls too, bitches love dogs.
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