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Old 04-09-2012, 10:31 AM   #18531 (permalink)
Seemingly Silenced
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Today was kind of a good day for me. Very recently, I have slowly begun discovering how liberating it is to truly accept that other people's beliefs don't actually need to be argued against if those beliefs oppose mine and aren't doing someone harm. Although I'm still coming to terms with what should be considered "harm", whether imminent or vague and indirect, today I fully realized how good it feels to simply state my own beliefs and leave it at that, feeling confident enough about them that I didn't have to argue to support them.

Today I had dinner with my parents and some of their long-lost Christian friends. I don't believe those friends knew I'm an Athiest, as I had grown up in the same churches they attended, but there were a lot of points in the discussions that I felt were aimed in my direction, what with my tattoos and being the only one drinking beer. I remained polite, agreeable, and supportive.
I invited them to my house, where more Christian discussion resumed. Played the proper host. I was a likable guy like I've always been. Toward the end, when they were all leaving, they immediately felt the need to tell [specifically] me about how the bible says you reap what you sew, and that if you don't follow the word of Christ, your life will be in ruins, etc.

I thanked them for the wisdom, let them know I am an Athiest, and that my life is fine (my parents chimed in to fervently agree), and they are welcome to return any time they want.
I could see it in their eyes... they did not know what to say. So we exchanged pleasantries and gave them all hugs as I showed them to the door.

In retrospect, when wondering if they thought they were going to change me with their "Christian love" or not, I realized it does not matter in the slightest. I know how I want to live my life and I know what I believe in. I have always been vocal about putting stock in reason and my own self above all else, but it wasn't until today that I really came to terms with the fact I didn't need to worry about anything else. I don't need to justify that. And I don't need to change their beliefs. And I shouldn't care if they believe I'm going to die and go to a place I don't believe in! lol.. It really hit me how absurd that is.

So, here I am in the afterglow of feeling more successful than I've ever felt in a theological debate with a Christian.
Now, the only thing I need to figure out is how to deal with ignorant people who actually endanger the well-being of others with their beliefs. I haven't figured out how to come to terms with that, so it's just going to keep pissing me off.

Oh well. Progress is progress, I suppose.
Great story man, I agree 100%.

That confused look that REALLY christian people get when they discover you're an atheist but your life isn't miserable. It's like they can't understand how you're so content without a god, and they try to convince themselves that your life would be better WITH God or Jesus in your life, more for their own reassurance than your well-being. It's very refreshing to just sit back, and not have to be vehement in explaining your beliefs, or lack there of.

It would be great to see more of this amongst the atheist community, to remove some of the social stigma that comes along with the word.
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Originally Posted by OBEY
"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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