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Old 04-21-2012, 05:34 PM   #17254 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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^^ Love that Anathema record, Jackhammer. I get what you mean with the "stadium dross" moments but I'm glad you like it. It's quite a beautiful record.

I got this today and I've only listened to it once through but quite enjoyed it. I get the feeling it can only get better with repeated listens. Seems as though it could be a slow-burner.

Picked this up at their gig recently. I hadn't heard it going in but everything they played from it sounded great. I've now listened to it a few times and frankly it's a monster. Their best since The Big Black, in my opinion.

I knew nothing about Jesse Sykes bar her contribution to the Sunn O)))/Boris collab 'Altar' and Americana/Alt-country is not something I'm at all well versed in. I loved this though. Stunning vocals and generally just a cracking, beautiful record.

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