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Old 04-30-2012, 09:37 AM   #566 (permalink)
the worst guy
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1) What are this albums' strengths?

The MC's are very good. Myka 9 and Aceyalone are two of my personal favourites, and Self-Jupiter holds his own no doubt. They work well together and have multiple styles, which keeps the album fresh,

2) What are its weaknessess?

Probably the production. It is by no means bad, but sometime the beats are a little weak, and the vocal mix sometimes grates on the ears.

3) How does it compare to the artist's other work?

I personally prefer Inner City Griots as I feel they ironed out the cracks that this album has and created a perfect Hip Hop album.

4) Favourite songs?

I really like the mellow feel of Sunshine Man and I also like 7th Seal a lot.

5) What feelings did this album evoke?

I suppose it makes me think about the evolution of one of my favourite genres. A kind of nostalgia that isn't rooted in experience, more in spirit.

6) How does this album fit into your regular rotation?

I had listened to this thing four times until today, which is quite a lot of times compared to most albums I have listened to. I don't instantly go for it, but if I catch the group title when scrolling through my files I always consider listening to it.

7) What stood out to you about this album's themes, musically/lyrically?

The production has a very tribal feel, with lot's of minimal bass/drum, or at least that is what I pick up on. And is generally quite mellow, allowing for the MC to come to the fore. They are generally socially conscious and talk about "Real sh*t" as people say.

8) If you've had any noteworthy experiences with this album, what have they been?


9) What do you know about this album's creation? Any interesting facts or anecdotes?


10) How does this album represent the chosen theme?

I think it represents the theme because I feel as though the album was one of the first to truly embrace abstract themes within Hop Hop, and do it well. They ran alongside the likes of Tribe, De La, The Pharcyde etc, but they didn't only promote positivity, they also spoke with a higher wisdom.

11) How does this album compare to other albums nominated for this theme?

Step In The Arena is a great Hip Hop alum, but I am not sure what it "pioneered" to be honest. I assume "Jazz Rap"? It's probably a better album to be honest.

The others are also great from what I know.

12) How does this album compare to others in its genre?

As I stated, I probably prefer the next album my this collective, and lots more that followed it, but it has a special place in history in my eyes for breaking new ground in terms of lyrical themes.

13) Can you recommend similar albums to this?

Madvillainy, Funcrusher Plus and Abandoned Language

14) What does this album's artwork say about it? Is it well paired with the music?

Nothing much really. Just some dudes making Hip Hop.

15) How does this album compare to the artist's remaining work?

Hasn't this already been asked?

16) How did this album help establish a genre?

I feel as though Abstract Hip Hop is not exactly a genre within itself, but the themes used in this album certainly made other artists step their game up in my opinion.

17) What was its influence following this establishment?

It's hard to say. I am sure people were making music like this around the same time, and you can never say for certain that people are directly influenced by something, but it was certainly followed by many like minded works.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
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2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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