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Old 05-02-2012, 06:18 PM   #54 (permalink)
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So I finally cracked this thread open now that I've finished the fifth book and don't have to worry about spoilers. Interesting stuff, especially the theory behind Jon Snow that the Monkey brought up. What complicates this theory, however, is how Jon
Spoiler for spoiler for all books:
gets stabbed at least four times at the end of Dance with Dragons. I find it hard to believe he will survive, given Martin's penchant for bathing in a pool of his readers' tears. However, I would not be surprised if Snow did survive the attack because Martin has also really blurred the line between life and death in the fourth and fifth books, what with The Hound's ambiguous state of life, Lady Catelyn's resurrection, Brienne's resurrection(?), etc. It's almost as if he's afraid to permanently off anyone any more.

All in all, I think what I like about the series is how real all of the characters are. I love the fact that each book presents a first person narrative from a dozen+ sources, each with a different perspective on the events of the series. As has already been mentioned in this thread, you get to see characters like Jaime and Arya evolve, and it makes it hard to really like or dislike any one character for a certain reason because they all have faults, transgressions, strengths, and weaknesses. (Aside from the Boltons and the Freys... fecking ****s) I feel that Martin does an excellent job of prying open the inner workings of each character he creates.

Also, I must say that Sansa and Theon have really become Martin's punching bags and I feel really awful for what is happening to both of them. I don't feel that either of them deserve their fate as it stands at the end of aDwD, especially not Theon.
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