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Old 05-04-2012, 02:17 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post

is it selfish to determine your own fate and not be led like sheep by non-sensical morality? i know i'm not living my life for anyone else's benefit, and if you think that any parent that in good conscience brings a child into this world isn't selfish i can't say you're anything but delusional. after all, no one asks to be born. i just don't see how people so fervently defend and value the "sanctity of life" when it is, in essence, consumption and destruction.
Finally, someone sees this like I do. It may sound a bit harsh, but honestly, no one looks at it from this view point. I don't think one who commits suicide should automatically be called "selfish". No one knows how much pain and suffering they can have within one besides them. When you are in that state it's not as easy as "Pull yourself together and get over it" "Stop being so depressed" "Stop being selfish"....It is true; no one asks to be born..just as no one asks to suffer miserably of mental illness every day..depressed, lonely, hopeless. No one asks for that. When one is in this state of mind, they feel there's no other way to escape this never ending pain, but to end their lives. Calling them selfish does nothing but worsen the problem.
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