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Old 05-19-2012, 02:40 AM   #152 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
It's a sport, innit? It's an e-sport.

I know that sports are meant to be physical activities. That being said, the focus on the physical aspect is the only real difference. Off the top of my head, I can find many similarities between StarCraft and a competitive sport like f.ex boxing, as GB rightly points out in his first post. I also think the competitors on top of their games definitely have very fined tuned dexterity and are highly observant and organized in their minds so while they may not be "physical" like we might expect from people who do sports, I don't think they're doing something just anyone could do with enough training either. They have some natural ability from birth which gives them an edge.
I'll disagree about gamers having some sort of natural ability and I'm not sure the point of that comment either. Are you saying real athletes don't have as many natural abilities, or are you showing they are similiar in that real athletes have natural advantages too? The bolded part is exactly why it's called a game and not called a sport. The main difference is the physical aspect like you said, which just so happens to be the main factor in determining if something is a sport or not.
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