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Old 05-21-2012, 04:38 PM   #188 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
You're basically saying "What I think is right, the rest of the world is wrong, including many recognised official sources such as the olympic committee". (Said committee recognises many low impact or low exertion sports, as sports, including curling and snooker)

Just because you think something doesn't mean that is the case. You have to be able to present your rationale and make points to support it.
That'd be wrong. I'm actually saying "Hey, my name is FWB and here's an answer to the question I was asked."

Again, I'm not sure why this thread even exists if you want to go by dictionary definitions and the opinions of the Olympic committee. I've already told you, the physical activity in gaming isn't close to the level it needs to be to be considered a sport.

Here's one problem with your physical activity argument. You said about wrist and shoulder injuries, and were using those injuries to strengthen your argument for gaming as a sport. What you are doing is only arguing for the top .1% of gamers in the world. You are talking about competitive gaming and not just gaming in general. And I don't think you can say "Well, this guy is playing a sport, and this other guy is just playing a game, even though they are playing the exact same thing with the exact same rules and controls. But since once guy is a lot better and practices more and has a sponsor, he's playing a sport."

That's basically what you are saying I think. If I go outside and play a pickup basketball game at the park, I'm still playing a sport. I don't need to be Kobe Bryant for my game to be considered a sport.

Also, like I said, half of your reasons for considering gaming a sport don't even make sense. Sponsorship, having fans, etc. You say you aren't trying to equate real sports with gaming, but you are using the reasons of sponsorship and fans to compare with real sports. Independently, have a sponsor has absolutely nothing to do with being a sport.
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