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Thread: Your Day
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Old 05-30-2012, 06:28 PM   #19178 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
which one?

so weird things happened today and they involve Disney (ironically)

my nephew Zac is graduating from high school on the 16th....for this to make sense i have to mention that Zac has Down (UP!) syndrome.......apparently my sister had plans to send him off on his class trip the school but the school insisted that he have an aide and that it not be one of his parents.....with the help of Zac's teacher Noel found an aide.....but then the aide cancelled on her this morning saying "i will not be responsible for him"....which is ****ing stupid....he is retarded not stupid and very much high functional with speech problems

so my sister called me crying and asked me to go with him on the trip

40 teenagers who just graduated, Disneyland, and me

i should have stories!

bob, i just want to remind you that the chances of a graduating senior being under 18 is slim. That is all.
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